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Accessibility Statement

What's on this Page:

Accessibility Functions

Using the wix web design software I've tried to make this website as accessible as possible. This means including functions such as:

  • Ability to navigate most of the website using the keyboard

  • Screen reader compatible

  • Easy to understand text

  • Change text/font size

  • Change the contrast

  • Adjust text spacing and font type 

  • Highlight links

  • Adjust size of the cursor


Most of these accessibility functions can be found in the 'accessibility menu' which is in the top right hand corner of screen. It will appear as a blue circle with a stick figure person inside it.

Accessibility Functions
Contacting By phone or email

Contacting by Phone or Email

Although I have only email and phone methods available on my website to contact me, if there is another method of communication that would be more accessible such as a skype meeting using the speech to text auto relay service, then please do get in touch briefly using one of the contact methods below, or through social media and we can arrange a more accessible form of communication together.

Telephone number: 07746685055


Improving Accessibility

How This Site's Accessibility was Tested

This site's accessibility performance was tested through the use of Microsoft's internet explorer 'Accessibility insights' widget. If you would like more information as to the results of this sites accessibility capabilities then please do get in touch.

In addition to this, I'm aware that this tool alone isn't enough to rely open for full accessibility, so I'm always open to making improvements to this website to make it more accessible. If you come across anything that you think needs to be changed in order to be more accessible, then please do let me know.

How this site's accessibility was tested
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