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 Chronic Pain

"To whom it may concern,

I have ruptured the anterior cruciate ligament in my left knee. I experience intense bursts of pain in my left knee when I make any sudden movements or put any heavy pressure on my knee. I am unable to run or perform much physical activity at all. When i first did my injury the pain was so intense it did wake me up if my leg was in an uncomfortable position, so i did struggle with a lack of sleep too.

I was taking pain killers for the first few weeks or so after my injury and now try and keep it supported with a knee brace to reduce any pressure on my knee when going about my daily life. I try to keep walking to a minimum to keep it rested and always try to keep busy to keep my mind of the pain.

That it really is a struggle to manage normal life, just simple tasks like walking upstairs become very challenging and that it is very frustrating not being able to continue my previously active lifestyle. Also, people should understand it is very frustrating as sports was a huge part of my life, i found it helped me sleep and was a great form of stress relief previously so to have this taken from my life is very challenging both on my mental and physical well being. I also found it difficult when people would make a big deal out of my injury when really i just wanted by day to always be as normal as possible.


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