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Pandemic Postcards

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I and many other disabled and vulnerable people experienced constant difficulties with NHS waiting times, a lack of support for disabled people, and the mental health implications of remaining isolated from society.

To document and highlight these issues I have curated a short photo-story featuring self portraits which cover developing an eating disorder during lockdown, and the diagnosis of brain cancer. There are so many people in similar circumstances and I wanted to create something they could relate to.

The full photo-series can be viewed here:

Click on the image to expand

These pictures were curated throughout the 2020 lockdown period. Taken within my home and surrounding area.

This very first photo, I had taken in the summer lockdown. I had no intention of sharing it. Like many, my mental health had taken a dive during the pandemic. On that particular day I had felt a sense of calm that drove me to pick up my camera, grab a bed sheet to tie to the shelf above my bed, and take a self-portrait. 

I would like to take more photos - to continue this series.

I feel many can relate to the lack of motivation to pick up the camera - most likely stemming from the depression I was experiencing. Added to the vulnerability I felt each time the lens was pointed to myself.

But I wanted to document, to share my experiences. So others would know that they are not alone in the struggles they have experienced, and that the fight for support - although an uphill battle at times, is not one that has to be fought alone.  

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