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Yellow Vest

In 2019 while travelling in Marseilles, I found myself in the middle of yellow vest protest. It wasn't something that I had intended to cover while I was there, completely unexpected. However, since the protest I then went onto learn more about the history of Marseilles's rebellion and defiance over the years. In recent times the council is trying to modernise the city to boost tourism in the area. This isn't something that the majority of residents support. The demolishing of historical buildings, and changing the architecture and landscape that many have grown to love. To spite this, many have turned to graffitiing buildings throughout Marseilles to 'disgust' tourists, and to make them not want to visit.

The yellow vest protests (French: Mouvement des gilets jaunes) is a grassroot movement that first began in November 2018. The movement was spurred by economic inequality. Through rising fuel and tax costs which where disproportionately affecting the lower and middle classes more.Their list of 42 demands to reach social justice and economic equality went viral on social media. Rising fuel prices initially sparked the protests, which is why they wear yellow vests, because each french citizen is required to keep a yellow vest in their car. The movement has since gained international recognition, the yellow vest becoming a protest symbol across the world.



Falmouth XR

In February 2020 Extinction Rebellion (XR) protesters took to the streets of Falmouth to protest against Bank's investments of which have a negative impact on the environment.  They marched down the street with a marching band playing samba music, in addition to 'bird song'. Many protesters dressed up as birds, such as ravens, while many others put on their XR shirts and held creative banners and signs.

After marching down the high street from the library, they then stopped at the first bank - HSBC. A smaller group went inside to perform the 'die-in' which was to embody the position of the birds. The larger group of protests set up climate crime scene tape outside the bank, and played music. Opposite this bank was Natwest, who refused entry to any of the protesters.

The march then continued on to Halifax who permitted entry to the protesters. Another Die-in was enacted here, before moving on to Barclays bank, and then the library for the end of the protest. More information about Extinction Rebellion ant their protests can be found on their website:


Student XR

This protest led by Extinction Rebellion but also involving members of Divest Penryn, was held after Exeter University was seen to not hold true to their ethical investment promise in 2018. Hands painted black, dripping with paint - to represent the fossil fuels that they are investing in, students marched to outside both the film school building, and the exchange building. Holding die-ins at both locations. 

This action was under-taken on Exeter Universities open day, to have more of an impact on university officials, and to gain further awareness about ethical investments and climate change. The university had already declared a 'climate emergency', but they had yet to act on it - according to XR protesters. the student led XR group have said that they would not stop protesting until Exeter University commits to divesting of fossil fuels fully.


Green New Deal
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