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"My name is Mark Roggerman, my nickname is Shruggs - because of the sign I carry. I set up art galleries around the city. It started when I was homeless in New York. And I started with this sign, and someone gave me some paint. I painted on the back of my sign and someone payed me $20 for it. 

That was more than what I made with just my sign so I kept painting.People kept giving me paint, clothes and food, so much that I started giving stuff way to the other homeless. It got so big that at some point I had to walk away. I was overwhelming and People were depending one me more than I felt capable of doing.

 At first and first which I like because I’m sorta out of the way and everyone respects it as my space. You can’t come to first and first and not see me. It’s almost like therapy for me, people share with me things and I need somewhere to put it so I put it on the page. 

When it happen it happens passionately, This crazy chaos of movement and then it’s done. Sometimes I wish I could do it slower and more planned out but it just doesn’t happen that way"

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